Sunday, August 2, 2015

Pigs in the Garden and Other Stuff From the Week

Dear Everyone,

I am excited to tell you about a few things that happened this week.

I go to vacation school (vacances scolaire) in our village every Monday and Wednesday. It's a good way to practice my French and it keeps me from fighting with my brother. This week I spent Monday at the pool. Wednesday we did science experiments. There was one that used a candle, a cup, water, a plate and a coin. It was so cool. I wish I could show it to you all.

We had a big surprise at our house this week. The weather was rainy and we couldn't play outside and my mom showed us something she had been hiding...a Wii. I cried so hard when I saw it because I was so happy.

As usual, Friday was movie night. We watched Space Buddies and it was really fun because I got to watch with my friends because Anna and Sophie were babysitting them.

We woke up Saturday morning to find our garden torn up by boars. They were looking for water and ruined the grass. We had to put it back together by putting the grass side up and the dirt side down. It was a muddy job. It's not the first time they've been in our yard. We hope they don't come back.

Saturday we had planned to go to Lac St. Croix, but it was stormy so we had a game day at our friend's house instead. We played capture the flag. I always ended up in jail, and my team lost, but it was still fun.


PS Peace, cool, peace, cool love ellie mc-chellie


BECKY said...

Cutest post ever

Unknown said...

E is one fun and cool kid! Fun to hear her perspective :)

ginorrn said...

I'm so glad to hear that you have discovered that playing the game is fun even when you lose. You are the BEST and coolest kid EVER. Love you E bo bellie.