Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fathers & Sons

Cleaner and warmer.

I didn't get good pics of the father's and son's outing, but as Ian and I, JC and J were about to leave Ian suggested that the kids wash up in the creek. I thought it was a pretty good joke (since it was cold outside and the stream was freezing!) and added that they would have to do it in their undies. Of course, the youngsters were happy to oblige (sorry for the sideways videos), and we were happy to goad them on:

As do most things when it comes to men, it turned into a contest.

The best thing...

The best thing about apple crisp...

Is having it shared with you.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Bleu Cheese Touch

The Cougars haven't fared so well this season, but the Bleu Cheese Touch might get a BCS bowl.
J with the hand-off.
J blocking for some other kid with the hand-off.
White knuckles at the line.
Center lineman springing into action. A great game- many flags were thrown, and nobody had to be carried from the field.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Children who Recycle

I went out to find J and L the kids this morning- I had heard them in the back yard. I could still hear them but couldn't see them. Eventually I found them here:

I am hoping they were just in it for the fun... they didn't ask me to roll them out to the curb!

Monday, September 6, 2010

J Burning it up- wait for it...

Recently, Anna and I went Backpacking with Mitch and Mad. We had a fun time gazing at the stars and huddling around a small camp fire. The girls appreciated our food selection, which consisted of cup-o-noodles, hot chocolate, instant oatmeal, doughnuts, and gummy-worms.
Just wanted to share this picture of the sky. I took it near our house as a storm faded. -Mike

Thursday, September 2, 2010


For the first time in...well really, the first time ever, our entire family is in school. Yes, school. As in homework, and intelligent discussion, and homework. So, if we seem a little absentee in mind and body know that it is in pursuit of higher education...and will all be worth it in the end. Right?