James has been trying to loose his top front tooth forever. It just hung there, half attached. Waiting...begging to be pulled but the stubborn thing would not come out. Finally, while chewing a piece of bubble gum, it came out. I think you will agree that his smile is much more agreeable without the hanging tooth.
Hi, Meredith and Mike! Suz told me about your blog tonight. Just wanted to say hello.
Great to see you and your family! Cute kids!
The lost tooth makes his great smile even better. (But yesterday he said the hole in his mouth was too big!)
Fabulous smile. :)
I love Ellen jumping with her legs wide out!!
And congrats to your sister!
What a great picture of James! I love how his smile lights up his whole face.
Meredith, who knew you had a blog? Megan did! Looks great!
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