For James's birthday he wanted a firetruck cake. He came very seriously to ask if Aunt Angie could come over and make it for him. However, since Angie is way tooooo far away he had to make due with me. Luckily, he liked my cake interpretation of" firetruck". Personally, I am just grateful that it turned out red instead of hot-pink!
I'm impressed! I especially love the gumdrop lights up top!
That is one awesome cake! You did such a great job- I bet he loved it. And maybe it's a good thing I live so far away, because if not I'd probably be making cakes for people every week! I'm glad that the next kid birthday is in Feb, so I can take a little break!
Great job on the cake! I love making them too but have to admit that it's kinda nice not to have to make them too often. The party looks like it was fun. Too bad I had to work. :(
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