Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hike to the Falls

We decided to get out an enjoy nature by hiking to Stewart Falls with our friends the Paxmans . The day was perfect, it was cool and cloudy. We got off to a slow start because we decided to hike from the Sundance trail head which is rather obscure, but we finally found it. It was great fun...especially once Ellen decided that she could walk.
This is the view from afar.
This is the closer view.
Ryn is such a cutie!
The kids taking a rest on the trail.

The Best FHE Activity Ever!

If you are ever hard up for a family home evening activity try having a whip-cream fight with your neighbors! It's a total blast,

Fun At The Lake

We spent part of the week at East Canyon Reservoir. We fished, camped out in a yurt, went swimming, made sand castles, canoed, and went geo-caching. It was especially fun because cousin Rachel came with us. It was great to see her. It's so nice to have "big-girl" cousins to play with!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


James has been trying to loose his top front tooth forever. It just hung there, half attached. Waiting...begging to be pulled but the stubborn thing would not come out. Finally, while chewing a piece of bubble gum, it came out. I think you will agree that his smile is much more agreeable without the hanging tooth.

Jump on It!

We went to Jump On It for FHE. It took Ellie a while to get into jumping, but she finally did. She was dancing and twirling and jumping all over the place. What a cutie!

Good Times at the Family Reunion

We had a Weight family reunion this weekend at Jolly's Ranch. It great to see everyone and get reacquainted. We played games, camped, (and of course) feasted but the highlight of the festivities was playing in the creek. I think this was a first for the kids and they totally ate it up...except Ellen. She just sat on the side of the creek and refused to even get her feet wet :).

Welcome to the Family!

Alison and Paris were married on Thursday. Congratulations, and welcome to the family. It's nice to add some testosterone to all the estrogen. The score is now girls:7, boys:3.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Birthday Cake

For James's birthday he wanted a firetruck cake. He came very seriously to ask if Aunt Angie could come over and make it for him. However, since Angie is way tooooo far away he had to make due with me. Luckily, he liked my cake interpretation of" firetruck". Personally, I am just grateful that it turned out red instead of hot-pink!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Field trip

We made our way to the Discovery Gateway...the children's musuem for the Salt Lake valley, to celebrate Friday. It was a lot of fun and discovery. A day filled with wonder and most importantly NO WHINING! Anna had fun while trying her hand at weather reporting in front of a green screen and discovered, it's not as easy as it looks on the news.
For Ellen, the world is still such a new place that she was amazed by everything. It is so fun to see the world through a child's eyes once in a while.
I think Sophia was just happy to have somewhere to wear her new hat. She's pretty darn cute!

James had a great time trying out new professions. Unfortunately, this police car was munchkin size. But he had a good time trying to sqeeze himself in while wearing a fireman's jacket and hat.
James took up so much time in the helicopter cockpit that there was a large line waiting for a turn by the time he was done. The best part of it was that he insisted the child taking his place as the pilot wear the red vest. It was great!

Overall it was a fun field trip. Thanks to Janae for coming along for the fun. I am really going to be sad when summer is over and we no longer have time for things like this during the week. I guess that one of the perks of being a mom is getting the summers "off" with your kids. I love summer vacation!

Check out this improvised play, on the theater stage.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


My future's SO bright, I gotta wear shades!

Happy Independence Day!

We started our celebrations on July 3rd, by attending Provo's balloon festival. James and Ellen were in awe, and kept saying how the balloons flew by magic. It was great fun, and amazingly beautiful.

James was very chipper for being awakened so early.
On the 4th we were part of the the Grand Parade. Anna and Sophia rode their scooters in wide circles to advertise their school Freedom Academy. I walked along with them, while James got to ride INSIDE the firetruck that doubled as our float. It was a lot of fun.

It was a great 4th of July. I love this country!

Ride That Potty Train Baby!

We have finally made it to the milestone every mother dreams about! That's right, after 10+ years of changing diapers I am finally retiring. Hallelujah! Ellen is a super potty trainer. In fact I would say this has probably been the easiest potty training I have ever done. Of course, that has everything to do with the fact that I am far more relaxed now, than when I trained Anna..Sophia...and James. Plus I have a new no stress, positive peer pressure method that is totally motivating to the unmotivated toddler and worry free to mom.