Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ta Dum!

Finals are over. I keep waiting for that "everything is finally over" high, but it hasn't come yet. Does that mean I am getting old?

On a brighter note, I got my car back today. It looks fabulous without the dent. The only problem is, I may have difficulty identifying my Honda Pilot in parking lots ;).


BECKY said...

congrats on finishing! go super mom!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting that dent fixed and on passing finals.

Did you have to drive the Merc to your finals?? LOL..

Marianne said...

YAY for finishing finals, and YAY for getting your car fixed!

And the high isn't as high as it was when we were younger because we've experienced greater things than finishing finals (like starring in a musical!!)...but lunch with a friend could probably put a shine on things...??