For spring break we decided to visit the San Rafael Valley. We gathered our tent, sleeping bags, coats, and our courage and headed out into the
COLDEST spring break ever. We had a lot of fun, but I was grateful we didn't freeze to death that first night...or any other night for that matter. (When we went to bed that first night it was 28 degrees.) Our first day trip took us to Goblin Valley. The kids loved it. They played on, in, around, and through the "goblins" for hours. On day two we hiked the narrows of Little Wild Horse Canyon. It was amazing! I have never seen rock formations like it before. The kids loved climbing around on all the rocks. We tried to talk

the children, James and Anna specifically, into following the "don't climb higher than your head" guideline (mainly to keep my nerves from exploding), but as they only followed it half the time we are very thankful no one broke anything. Ellen's favorite part of hiking the canyon was the sand everywhere. She got amazingly dirty, and had the time of her life. Really, I am just glad sand is near the ground. On our last day en route to home we went hunting for ancient rock art. It took a while to find, but it was worth the journey. In addition to our petraglyphs we also found these perfectly round fossilized dirt clods called concretions. They were humongous and very cool. Really the highlight of the trip for me was the face that Ellen slept and hiked well. It was so fun to have everyone enjoying themselves...even me.